Step gamification

Turn Your Finances into a Rewarding Adventure!!

Step Challenges

 Step up to the plate and take on a variety of challenges tailored to your financial aspirations. Whether it’s saving for a dream vacation, building an emergency fund, or investing for the future, Step Gamification has challenges designed to suit your needs.


We understand that security is a top priority when it comes to your finances. Our state-of-the-art security features protect your card from fraud and unauthorized transactions, so you can use it with complete peace of mind.

Available on Premium
Step and VIP Plans

Step Gamification is accessible to users on our Premium and VIP plans, enhancing your financial experience and adding extra layers of excitement to your financial journey.

Plans and Benefits

Note: The Damex referral programme is temporarily suspended

Stake* 5,000 $DAMEX
Stake* 10,000 $DAMEX
Marathon (60,000 steps)
  • 10% discount on exchange fee
  • 1.0% $DAMEX cashback on card
  • 40% discount on exchange fee
  • 1.5% $DAMEX cashback on card
  • £ 12,50 referral in $DAMEX
  • 70% discount on exchange fee
  • 2.0% $DAMEX cashback on card
  • £ 22,50 referral in $DAMEX
Mountain Climber (80,000 steps)
  • 15% discount on exchange fee
  • 1.5% $DAMEX cashback on card
  • 55% discount on exchange fee
  • 2.25% $DAMEX cashback on card
  • £ 15 referral in $DAMEX
  • 80% discount on exchange fee
  • 3.0% $DAMEX cashback on card
  • £ 25 referral in $DAMEX
Pro Mountain Climber (170,000 steps)
  • 20% discount on exchange fee
  • 2.0% $DAMEX cashback on card
  • 70% discount on exchange fee
  • 3.0% $DAMEX cashback on card
  • £ 17,50 referral in $DAMEX
  • 90% discount on exchange fee
  • 4.0% $DAMEX cashback on card
  • £ 27,50 referral in $DAMEX
Iron Man (300,000 steps)
  • 55% discount on exchange fee
  • 2.25% $DAMEX cashback on card
  • £ 15 referral in $DAMEX
  • 80% discount on exchange fee
  • 3.0% $DAMEX cashback on card
  • £ 25 referral in $DAMEX
Steel Legs (525,000 steps)
  • 55% discount on exchange fee
  • 2.25% $DAMEX cashback on card
  • £ 15 referral in $DAMEX
  • 80% discount on exchange fee
  • 3.0% $DAMEX cashback on card
  • £ 25 referral in $DAMEX

*) Minimum staking period 1 year

Discover Damex App

Mobile Payments

Your Instant, Easy, and Safe Mobile Payment App

Exchange of fiat and digital assets

Simplify Your Asset Exchange Experience


We’ve got the right solution to keep your funds safe

Step gamification

Turn Your Finances into a Rewarding Adventure!!

Damex Co-branded Visa Card

Swipe, Shop, and Celebrate: Financial Freedom with Damex Visa Cards!


Unlock the True Potential of Your Finances

Discover Damex Business


Helping medium and high-risk clients improve the efficiency and profitability of their global payments processes


Accessing corporate bank accounts has become more and more difficult over recent years, particularly for companies deemed to be medium or high risk.

Custody Solutions

Damex offers three alternative custody solutions.

About us

Find out more about Damex.


Join the DAMFAM.


We are dynamic, we are progressive, we are united.


We are dedicated to make ownership and management of Digital Assets simplified.